You can easily recognize this program from the outside by the characteristic "chik-chik" sound. It appeared a long time ago, and was founded by Yandex programmers. What's the point?

The software automatically recognizes gibberish and translates it into the desired language. But not always, I'll talk about this further. The main goal is to rid yourself of Ctrl + Shift when you are all in the workflow. Here I am typing a report on my studies or even tapping with a friend on a social network, mechanically I can start writing something like "ghbdtn" and notice this spell already on the eleventh word. It turns out that I wasted my time and will have to retype it. And then I write to myself, I don't look at the screen - I hear "chik-chik" and I understand that the layout has switched automatically.
The main plus of the program is clear, but now let's talk about the pitfalls. For example, slang. If you like to use different non-standard words, then most likely you will not make friends with punto. Or you will have to teach the software to your usual language. Next - passwords. Enter in Latin, and Punto takes and flips to Cyrillic. It gets on the nerves.
Diagnosis: The program is useful, but not for everyone. And if you get used to its features, understand the settings, then you will obviously be satisfied. But there is one more small drawback. When you get used to such word recognition, then you automatically forget to switch the layout on other computers. Yes, yes, you come to work like that, you type, and then you realize that you have dashed half a page in an unknown language. That is why I installed the program even at work.
And finally, I'll tell you about one more feature of Punto Switcher. This is a diary that stores all the memoirs that you tapped on the keyboard. This can be useful for you in two ways:
- if the printed will come in handy in the future (you do not need to save yourself);
- if you have been typing for a long time, and then accidentally refused to save the file.
In principle, you can easily do without punto. But if you deal with different languages and like to correspond in English like me, then the program will become very useful and save a lot of nerves.