The Bioshock game has no analogue among computer games. Its unique storyline and incredibly interesting and challenging gameplay became the basis of the wild success that led to the creation of the second game in the series - Bioshock 2.

The action of the game Bioshock 2 takes place again in the underwater city of Rapture, which gamers who have passed the first part will hardly recognize. From a thriving, developing place, this city has evolved into a gradually decaying world, where there is a constant struggle for the remaining Adam.
It would seem that very soon the moment will come when the last reserves of Adam will run out, and the inhabitants gradually begin to get used to life without this substance, but a new Sister appears. And unlike the previous prototypes, it cannot be called "small".
The Big Sister bears little resemblance to the Little Sisters, with the help of which Adam supplied the population of the city with food. Big Sis is similar in size to Big Daddy, but much more difficult to destroy. Protected by heavy armor and equipped with a long needle, it sweeps away everything in its path.
No one is already surprised by the fact that it is the Big Sister who controls the entire city.
Your hero will not only have to meet the Big Sister, but also try to destroy this next evil. To do this, you will need to play as Big Daddy.
Of course, the game of Bioshock 2 is not limited to the confrontation of these two forces. It will take a long time before you encounter the Big Sister. Until it comes, you can wander around the city, save, or vice versa - destroy the Little Sisters and prepare for a grand clash with your main enemy.