For various reasons, you may need to uninstall the previously installed program for processing and editing digital images Adobe Photoshop from your computer. This is not difficult to do.
![How to uninstall Adobe Photoshop from a computer How to uninstall Adobe Photoshop from a computer](
Removing the program using the wizard
To remove any software, as a rule, it is enough to use a special wizard included in the Windows operating system. It will also help in the case when you need to clean your computer from the installed Adobe Photoshop. To do this, you will need to go to the programs section and make the necessary changes.
To use one of the most popular methods, on the computer desktop, in the lower left corner of the screen, find the button that says "Start" or the Windows logo. Click it and in the drop-down window select the "Control Panel" menu. Open this section and in a new window find the item "Programs and Features". Click on this link and go to the next page, where you will be presented with a list of all programs and applications installed on your computer, their publisher, installation time, size and version. In the table in the "Name" column, find the line Adobe Photoshop (for the convenience of users, all programs in this section are listed alphabetically). Highlight the application and press the right mouse button. Then select the "Delete" option in the drop-down panel on the side. Immediately after clicking this button, a window will appear in which you will need to confirm whether you are really going to uninstall Adobe Photoshop and all its components from your computer. Click "Remove" and wait for the uninstallation process to complete, after which a corresponding message will appear. The uninstalled application will also disappear from the list of programs. A computer restart may be required to make changes to the system.
However, sometimes, in order to completely remove "Photoshop" from your computer, you need to clean the program folders on your hard drive. Open drive C, then in the Program Files folder, find the Adobe folder, and in it - Adobe Photoshop, from which you will need to delete all the folders and files contained in it.
Several useful applications
You can use Revo Uninstaller to remove any remaining Windows registry entries. Run it, then in the window that opens, move the mouse cursor over the "Forced uninstall" button. Click once with the left mouse button and in a new window put a tick next to the item "Moderate", then in the column "Exact name of the program" enter the name of Adobe Photoshop, and then click "Next", thereby you will start the process of scanning the registry. The next window will display a list of detected records, to delete which you need to use the "Select All" and "Delete" buttons. Upon completion of the uninstallation process, a corresponding notification will appear. To close it, it remains to press the "Finish" button.
To remove programs that cannot be removed using the standard Windows wizard, you can use other uninstallers. Among them, the most popular utilities are Your Uninstaller, Driver Sweeper, Total Uninstall, Cleanse Uninstaller Pro, Advanced Uninstaller PRO, Unlocker, Full Uninstall and others.