What You Need To Install The Server

What You Need To Install The Server
What You Need To Install The Server

A server is one of the types of technical solutions that supports providing access to services, files and folders to several computers at once. To install it, you need the appropriate software and skills of a confident computer user.

What you need to install the server
What you need to install the server

Turn on the computer and insert the disk with the distribution kit of Windows SQL 2000 into its drive, then select the disk overview. Run Setup.exe. You should see a start window in which you need to select the Install Database Server item. Next, go to the choice of the server installation option - Local Computer, Remote Computer and Virtual Server. The first item means installing the server on the current computer, the second - installing it on a remote computer via a network connection, and the third - installing the SQL server in the server cluster menu. Usually, the first option is selected. Next, you will be presented with a choice of installation options. You can choose Create a new instance, or install Client Tools; Upgrade, remove, or add components or Advance options. The first option prompts you to install a new copy of SQL and its utilities, the second one - change the configuration of the installed copy, the third one provides support for creating individual installation files, restoring the registry, and so on. Usually, in most cases, you choose the first option. Choose the type of installation depending on the computer on which you are configuring and installing SQL. If you already have a server, choose the client option, if not, then the usual one. Select the volume of the installation (this action depends on the specific situation), create accounts. After that, you need to configure the server based on its purpose. When setting up the system, do not forget that in the future you will need a disk with the operating system distribution kit. After installation, select the number of licenses you purchase and fill out the form for sending, in the fields of which enter the real data. For specific problems with server installation, refer to the reference literature.
