How To Determine The Encoding Of A Text

How To Determine The Encoding Of A Text
How To Determine The Encoding Of A Text

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Probably, everyone at least once faced such a problem as an incorrectly defined text encoding. A letter with "unreadable" characters instead of ordinary Russian letters comes to your e-mail box, or you are given a text document, but it is not possible to read it, since it is filled with incomprehensible "scribbles". All these cases are examples of an incorrectly defined encoding, that is, the sender used one encoding when creating a message or document, and you are trying to open the text in another.

How to determine the encoding of a text
How to determine the encoding of a text


A computer running an operating system, Internet access, a text editor (for example, AkelPad)


Step 1

There are several ways to determine the encoding of a text. One of them is special online services for determining the encoding on the Internet. For example, go to the site, in the special field, insert the "unreadable" text and click the "Decode" button

Step 2

Try to detect the encoding automatically with a text editor. The fact is that many text editors (for example, AkelPad) can automatically recognize the encoding of "unreadable" text. To do this, select in the top menu "Encodings" - "Define encoding" or press ALT + F5 (in the text editor AkelPad).

Step 3

You can also try to determine the encoding manually. To do this, in a text editor, select the menu item "Encodings" - "Open as …". Most often these will be ANSI, UTF-8, KOI-R encodings. Try a few of your choice.

Step 4

In order to avoid problems with encoding anymore, configure your mail client, ICQ client and browser to the correct encoding. To do this, go to the settings, find the "Encoding" item and enter win1251 there in Latin letters.
