How To Delete The History Of One Contact In Skype

How To Delete The History Of One Contact In Skype
How To Delete The History Of One Contact In Skype

Skype is one of the most popular communication programs on the web. It allows you not only to make video calls, but also to conduct full correspondence with friends and work colleagues. The history of all received and sent Skype messages is saved in the program profile. However, you can always delete it if you wish.

How to delete the history of one contact in Skype
How to delete the history of one contact in Skype

In fact, the possibilities that the Skype program provides for working with the history of correspondence are limited. The standard way to delete messages involves cleaning the history of all contacts at the same time. If you want to delete the message history of only one contact, you will have to resort to the help of special applications.

Deleting Conversations Using Skype Chat Helper

Skype Chat Helper is a free utility that helps you clear individual messages in Skype. Before using it, you need to back up your profile by copying data from the following folders:

1) for Windows XP: C: / Documents and Settings / Username / Application Data / Skype / Skype_username \;

2) for Windows 7: C: / Users / Username / AppData / Roaming / Skype / Skype_username \.

Then proceed with deleting unnecessary correspondence. To do this, close Skype and launch Skype Chat Helper. A small window will immediately open in front of you, in which two fields will be indicated: Username and Contact. In the Username field, enter your username, and in the Contact field - the username of the user with whom you would like to delete the correspondence. Then press the "Remove chat history" button and open Skype again. All messages you don't need should disappear.

If, after starting the utility, Skype stopped loading, copy back the backup copy of your profile.

Delete messages through the SkHistory program

SkHistory is another free program for deleting correspondence with individual contacts. It has a user-friendly interface through which you can quickly select the records you are interested in to delete. To use the SkHistory utility, you must additionally download and install the Adobe AIR Runtime. Once you install this shell, launch SkHistory, select the Language item and switch to Russian. The program should automatically find your profile folder. In the window that opens, enter your Skype login in the "Select an account" column and click the "Select an account" button. In the same field there is one more option - "Create a backup copy". You can use it to avoid permanent data loss.

Then a list of your contacts will open in front of you. Select the desired contact and click the small button at the bottom of the program window. You will see all received and sent messages. Then you can do the following: delete all records at once, delete some specific messages, or export the chat history to TXT / HTML files.
