Despite their simplicity, quotation marks are very necessary in Russian. We put them when highlighting direct speech, quotes, words used in a figurative sense, names of literary, musical works of art, etc.

Step 1
There are several rules by which we place quotation marks when writing. It's easy to remember them. The main thing is to understand why we put quotation marks in this or that case. Quotation marks, as a rule, we enclose a phrase that we want to highlight for some reason. A punctuation mark cannot "break" quotation marks and a phrase - in this case, it is a single whole.
Step 2
We put the question and exclamation mark in front of the quotes only if they refer to the words that are enclosed in quotation marks. For example, if we use the phrase "Who are the judges?"
Step 3
And if the punctuation marks refer within the meaning of the entire sentence (and the words enclosed in quotation marks), then the exclamation mark, question mark and ellipsis are placed after the quotation marks. For example: Are we going to watch the movie "Twilight"?
Step 4
In this case, if there is a question or exclamation mark in front of the closing quotation marks, you need to carefully read the text and decide what role the quotation mark plays in the sentence, whether you need a pause after it.
Step 5
Pay attention to the punctuation marks before and after the quotation marks. Identical characters after quotation marks are not repeated. But unequal, depending on the context, are placed both before and after the quotes. "If there is a question or exclamation mark in front of the closing quotes, then the same mark is not repeated after the quotes; dissimilar characters, if they are required by the conditions of the context, are placed before and after the closing quotation marks ". If we are talking about the expression" Forward, attack! ", then the exclamation mark after the quotation marks is not necessary. But if the sentence looks like this: "Did he really say" Forward, attack! "?, the question mark will need to be placed after the quotes.
Step 6
You don't need to omit the comma in front of the opening quotes. But if a phrase or sentence enclosed in quotation marks must end with a comma, and the text continues after it, no comma should be put. For example, "But now the time has come when the" old man obsessed with drawing "could no longer hold the brush", "Remember, "How good, how fresh the roses were."