Yota antennas are by far the best signal amplification tool. The reason for installing such an antenna will be the desire to strengthen your Internet connection wirelessly with the provider's base, increase the data transfer speed and strengthen the signal.

Step 1
All antennas can vary in power and type. Thus, when living outside the city, close to the city or in an apartment, a panel-type antenna is suitable. It is not interfered with by urban development and high-rise buildings - it easily amplifies the signal and does not succumb to interference. If the house is equipped with a special structure and suppresses the signal, then the panel antenna will also be very useful in this situation. Reticle-reflective antennas are useful outside the city, but not far from the coverage area itself. Parabolic antennas will help those who need a long-range signal, as they can overcome obstacles at a distance of about 9 kilometers from the main coverage area.
Step 2
To connect the Yota antenna, firstly, you need to determine the distance from the router to the antenna installation site. This will help to avoid signal reduction, as it helps to clearly determine the required cable length and the number of adapters for installing the antenna. In general, it can be calculated that the signal degradation at the connector will be 1.5 decibels, and for each meter of cable 0.5 decibels. Therefore, a shorter length and a load of adapters will provide a better signal. For example, a Yota antenna with a gain of 12 decibels and a cable length of five meters requires an adapter to a special modem, and as a result, a signal gain of only 3 decibels is obtained.
Step 3
To avoid such a drop in the signal, you can choose a Yota antenna with an already built-in modem. Then the signal will be amplified without interference, and it will also be much easier to install such an antenna.
Step 4
There is a very simple way to amplify the Yota signal. First of all, you will need to spend money on a USB extension cable. After that, you need to find a place in a room with better signal reception, for example, by a window. Then connect the external antenna to the modem. A specialized adapter called "Pigtail" will help here. You need to open the USB connector of the modem by sliding the back cover to the USB connector to remove it. Then connect the left connector to the adapter (this is the service connector) and fix the connection completely. If the modem has an N-connector, then with such a modem you can use all versions of Yota antennas and connect them in any way.