How To Make A Portal To The City Without Mods In Minecraft

How To Make A Portal To The City Without Mods In Minecraft
How To Make A Portal To The City Without Mods In Minecraft

In the game "Minecraft" the player has the opportunity to visit parallel worlds, you can get there using special portals. When using mods, the number of worlds and portals increases. However, in order to play in the regular world and use portals to the game Hell or Ender, mods are not needed.

How to make a portal to the city without mods in Minecraft
How to make a portal to the city without mods in Minecraft

Including without using any mods, you can build a portal from anywhere on the map to the city. The essence of the work of such a portal is as follows: to get from the ordinary world to the game Hell, the player can use any portal, but when teleporting back from Hell, he will always return to the portal created first.

How to make a city in Minecraft

First you need to create or find a settlement. Already existing villages can come across in the desert or on the plains, it remains only to find one. You can build your city, in order to do this, you need to find a brown egg in your inventory and throw it on the ground in the place chosen for construction. A villager will hatch from the egg. The larger the city you need to build, the more eggs you need to use.

When the required number of inhabitants is typed, the player can leave and do other things while the inhabitants are building a new city. You can return in a day - the city will be ready.

How to make a portal to the city in Minecraft

When the city is found or created, you can start building the portal. First of all, you need to create a portal from the city to the game Hell. The important point is that this should be the first portal to Hell built by a player on this map.

Obsidian is required to build a portal to the nether world. It can be obtained by pouring water over lava. The player should stock up on a bucket of water and a diamond pickaxe (weaker obsidian cannot be broken) and go underground. Having flooded the area with lava with water, you can start extracting blocks, which will require 20 pieces.

After leaving the dungeon, you can start building. At the chosen place, you need to make a monument measuring 4 by 6 blocks. The portal is ready, it remains to activate it. This will require flint and a flint ingot from which flint is created. With it, you can activate the portal by right-clicking.

Next, the player must teleport to hell through the created portal and equip the portal itself with some non-combustible material. Then you need to return to the ordinary world and go to your home (or to any place from where you need to build a portal to the city) and there create another portal to Hell.

How to activate the portal to the city

The portal is ready, you can use it. In order to move from home to city, you need to enter the portal to Hell at home, it will take the player to the lower world. There the player leaves the portal and re-enters it. The portal takes the player to the ordinary world - to the portal that was built first, that is, to the city.

If desired, the player can create several more portals to Hell throughout the district, all of them will teleport him to the same point of the lower world, from which he will return to his first built portal - to the city.
