In some cases, it becomes necessary to install file protection, and in some cases - to remove it. These can be trivial reasons, from the loss of a password from a protected file to the desire to use information to which access is restricted. Without analyzing the legality and possibility of your actions, here are several ways to remove protection from a file.

Step 1
The way to remove protection from a file depends on the type of the file. If the protection against editing in an Excel or Word file is installed, then the easiest way is to open this file, transfer all content to a new file and save it under a different name. The new file created in this way will be editable.
Step 2
You can remove protection from PDF files using on-line services located at the links: or According to the developers, their product is capable of removing any protection from files in the specified format
Step 3
If there is a need to remove protection from files located on a flash-card, carefully consider the media. Perhaps there is a switch on the card itself that sets restrictions on working with a flash drive. Flip this switch and try opening files.
Step 4
If there is no such switch or it cannot be used to remove protection, it is possible that the flash drive was disconnected incorrectly or the file recording failed. In this case, drastic measures may be required, up to and including formatting.