Random access memory, or random access memory (RAM) is used to store intermediate results of the work of the central processor and integrated video card. The speed and reliability of the computer depends very much on the characteristics of the RAM.

Step 1
Structurally, the RAM module is a narrow multilayer strip of textolite, on which memory microcircuits, a printed circuit board with applied elements and a connection connector are placed. If the memory chips are soldered to the RAM strip only on one side, the module is called one-sided, if on both sides it is called double-sided.
Step 2
RAM is called volatile memory because it is reset to zero when it is disconnected from the power supply. The motherboard also contains non-volatile memory, or read-only memory (ROM), which is powered by a battery.
Step 3
Like any electronic device, memory chips heats up during operation, which degrades their performance. Some manufacturers put heat sinks on the modules for better heat dissipation. Radiators can be glued to microcircuits or attached to a textolite strip using latches.
Step 4
Memory differs in types. There are currently 3 types of RAM in use: DDR, DDR2 and DDR3. DDR memory has been in production since 2001. It can transfer 2 bits of information to the clipboards with the central processor and video card in one cycle of the memory bus. Its connection connector has 184 pins. The next generation of RAM was DDR2 memory with 240 pins on the socket, which transmits 4 bits per clock cycle. DDR3 memory transfers 8 bits per clock cycle.
Step 5
In addition, RAM modules vary in form factor. Each motherboard model is designed to work with a specific type of memory. To prevent the erroneous connection of RAM incompatible with this motherboard, a small cutout is made on the module connection connectors, the so-called. A "key" that matches the "key" of the RAM socket on the motherboard. There are currently no motherboards designed to work with DDR memory.

Step 6
The important characteristics of RAM are capacity and clock speed. The higher these indicators, the faster the information processing takes place. If different RAM modules are installed on the motherboard, the computer will run at the speed of the slowest one. To really increase performance, it's best to select modules of the same clock frequency that have been tested to work together. These kits are called KITs.