A computer is a complex technical device, the processes of which are not known to everyone. However, some of them are interesting to understand. For example, in how computer memory looks like!

If we discuss the question of the internal structure of a PC, then we cannot fail to note how the memory on a computer looks like. So, note for yourself that the hard drive is responsible for the amount of memory in the computer. Depending on its capacity, the amount of memory allocated for storing data on a PC also differs.
What a hard drive looks like
This data storage machine part is a metal disk enclosed in a small box. In the box, in addition to the disc itself, there is also an integrated circuit, a rocker arm and smaller auxiliary parts. If you put the box in front of you, with the disk up, you can see that the disk located on top, on all sides except the bottom, is bounded by the box. At the bottom there is a circuit board and a rocker arm attached to the motor, which sets the memory device in motion. On the disc itself there are a lot of small circular notches on which data is written.
The principles of the hard drive
The circuit board maintains the smooth operation of the disk, and also quickly synchronizes this work with the computer, it also supports the operating mode of the electric motor, and hence the speed of writing and reading information from the media.
The rocker, perhaps, plays the most important role in the operation of the device, because it is it that is responsible for the promptness of reading certain data, as well as for their storage. Its end is divided into several parts so that it is possible to work with several programs at once. However, when reading and writing data, the rocker does not touch the disc itself, but is at a distance of 5000 times less than a person's hair. In this system, everything works smoothly and accurately.
Due to the forces of electricity and magnetism, the rocker arm can make more than sixty displacements of position per second, while any deviation by a fraction of a millimeter is fraught with damage to the hard disk as a storage medium. If we consider how information is stored, then everything is much simpler. Bytes of information are written to the corresponding tracks, as in a regular disc. In this case, each section of the tracks on the disk is assigned to its own place for storing data on the PC.
The device and algorithms of the hard disk do not differ much from the usual one, on which we all record films and the necessary information, however, in this case, the memory reserve is much larger, and the disk itself is already equipped with auxiliary devices for reading, writing and converting.