A function graph is a set of defined points on a coordinate plane. In a simple special case of the graph of the function y = f (x), two coordinates are considered. One of them on the abscissa axis (OX) represents the permissible values of the variable x, and the second on the ordinate axis (OY) represents the values of the function y corresponding to this variable. The plotting of the function is carried out on a given interval. On it, at a certain interval, the values of the variable x are set and the results of the function y are calculated. The obtained values determine the coordinates of a point on the OXY plane. The result is the desired set of points - a graph.

Step 1
Write down the expression for the function y = f (x) and the interval over which you want to plot the graph. Plot the coordinate plane OXY, where OX is the horizontal abscissa and OY is the vertical ordinate.

Step 2
On the required construction segment, select equal intervals along the abscissa axis. Take the first value of the variable x in the given segment. Plug it into the function expression and calculate the value of y. You got the x and y coordinates of the first point in the graph.
Step 3
Determine the obtained coordinates on the OXY plane. To do this, draw a perpendicular to OX through the selected x value. Also with respect to OY, draw a perpendicular through the calculated value of y. Place a dot at the intersection of these perpendiculars. This will be the first point of the plot with the calculated coordinates.

Step 4
Take the next x-value in the given segment to plot the graph. Calculate the function y (x) and plot the next point on the graph. Plot all other points of the graph in the same way.

Step 5
Connect all found points with a continuous line. The resulting curve will be the graph of the given function.