Advanced users know that over time, a complete mess with files arises on the computer. A huge number of unnecessary files that may be in multiple copies. All of this not only loads the physical memory of the computer, but also affects performance. Virus scanning and defragmentation increase over time. Therefore, the need to clean your computer is obvious.

Step 1
Many users resort to special programs to clean up "trash" on the computer. But this is a program, it cannot determine the degree of importance of this or that file for you, so the number of deleted files may include the necessary things. As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The same is here. It is better not to create blockages than to rake them.
Step 2
The procedure for cleaning your computer should start with a plan. It is necessary to determine what types of files are on your computer and create folders for them. Immediately define a rigid folder hierarchy. For example, the "Leisure" folder will contain the "Videos" and "Music" folders. There should be no more video files and music anywhere.
Step 3
Then we proceed directly to cleaning. We define the "scope of work". Sort the unnecessary folder by folder. After cleaning the folder, delete it. When a new type of file is found, create a folder for it. But if this is an isolated case? In addition, you can find a bunch of files of various formats in small quantities. For them, it is advisable to create a folder "Other", "Junk", "Other materials".
Step 4
After such hard work, you need to defragment your hard drive. Ideally, the main directory of a disk should contain no more than 4-5 folders. Now, every time you have new material, immediately sort it into the desired folder. By observing this simple rule, you will forever forget about blockages on your computer and deleting unnecessary files.