A flyer is an effective advertising tool with which you can convey the necessary information to the target audience. Do you want to invite buyers to a sale, notify about discounts and new collections? Print and distribute flyers!

Layout of leaflets: basic rules
Usually the flyer is in A5 format, but in some cases (if you need to post a significant amount of information) you can issue an A4 leaflet. It can be color and black and white, one-sided or two-sided. To prevent the leaflet from being thrown away immediately upon receipt, you can print the advertising text on one side, and place some necessary information on the back (phone numbers of city services, a discount coupon, etc.). Think about this when you design your flyer layout.
To design a flyer, you need to choose a background, fonts and illustrations. Remember to leave margins at the top, bottom and sides of the leaflet when making up; their size can be checked with the printing house, as well as other pre-printing requirements (dimensions and resolution of the layout, file format, etc.).
When creating a flyer, you need to use no more than three types of font. Headings and subheadings are in bold or italic type. The size of the font used for the main text should be at least ten, and the color of the text and headings should contrast with the background color. It is better to avoid "inversion" (light type on a dark background), it reads worse. Layout of the leaflet can be carried out using Corel Draw programs, Photoshop and other programs for processing vector and raster images.
Who can design the flyer?
If you own the appropriate computer programs, you will be able to cope with this task on your own. But if there is no time or design knowledge, you should contact the layout specialists. They can be found on freelance sites (this is one of the least expensive options), in newsrooms, or in advertising agencies and printers. Sometimes advertising agencies offer free layout of printed products if you order a large print run of leaflets.
How to distribute a flyer
It is not enough to design and print flyers - it is also important to make sure that your advertising products reach the target audience. There are three ways to distribute leaflets: with the help of promoters, by laying out bundles of leaflets in high traffic areas, or by placing them in mailboxes. The latter method is the most effective, but in order to implement it, you need to either negotiate with the postman, or order distribution in the editorial office of a free newspaper, which has its own delivery service. This is quite an expensive pleasure. However, you can do with the efforts of your company's employees, but they may have a problem with access to the entrances, while distributors of printed materials have keys to intercoms.