The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) occurs as a reaction of the Windows operating system to critical errors. At the same time, the computer freezes, and only a restart can make it work again.

Blue screen features
You can find out the cause of the BSOD by looking at its contents. On a blue background, the reporting data for a system error is shown in a specific order. At the bottom of the screen, a separate line usually contains the name of the file that caused the crash and the path to it. The only problem is that most often, immediately after the blue screen appears, an automatic restart follows, and the user cannot read the information.
To read and decrypt the blue screen, right-click on the My Computer icon and select Properties. On the Advanced tab, in the Startup and Recovery section, select Options. Uncheck the box next to the "Perform automatic reboot" line. If a critical error occurs, the computer will no longer restart automatically, and you will be able to see a blue screen with information about the problems.
System state information is saved to a memory dump. This file is saved by default in the C: / Windows / Minidump folder.
Determining the cause of the error
Pay attention to the detailed description of the error on the blue screen. It looks like a phrase in capital Latin letters. In this case, words can be separated by an underscore: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. This is followed by technical information describing the addresses that caused the system to stop, for example 0x8872A990, 0x804F35D8, etc. And after that follows the name of the file that caused the error.
Rewrite the information on the blue screen. You can send them to Microsoft technical support by entering in the appropriate field on the official website of the company.
Think about which apps you downloaded lately, after which the blue screen began to appear. Perhaps the configuration of the computer is too weak for their normal operation, and the blue screen protects the system from various failures, such as overheating of the processor, errors in memory, etc. It also does not hurt to check the system for viruses.
Use the free BlueScreenView utility to help you decrypt your blue screen. Download Bluescreenview.exe from the developer's site and run it. Select the Advanced Options option from the Option menu and specify the path to the memory dump folder. Click Refresh on the toolbar. The program will indicate the dump files sorted by date. Study them all. Those that could cause an error and lead to a crash of the operating system will be marked in red.