Most users of a personal computer, when a problem occurs, associate it with their own incompetence, including the appearance of a white screen on the monitor.

Unfortunately, the problem associated with the appearance of a kind of white screen on the monitor screen is directly related to the hardware malfunction of the device. It can be caused by a huge variety of different external factors or factory defects.
White screen
In fact, the appearance of a white screen on the monitor is caused by the lack of power to the processor of the LCD matrix of the device. The cause of such a malfunction may be oxidation or loss of the matrix plume. This is due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of manufacturers do not fix the matrix cables in any way and, of course, after transporting the device, the cable can jump out of the connector.
Causes of the white screen and its elimination
In addition, quite often the appearance of such a problem is explained by a malfunction of the matrix itself. You can make sure of this quite easily and simply even at home (if you have a laptop and another screen). To do this, it is enough to connect the used laptop, on which a white screen appears, to another monitor using a special cable, which is usually supplied with the device. If there are no problems on the other screen, this means that the matrix itself is faulty and should be replaced with a new one. Most often this happens due to any impacts, falls, etc.
Often, the problem may lie in the malfunction of certain chips on the motherboard, namely the server bridge and the video card. In order to find out if they are the case, it is enough to trace and establish the moment of the appearance of the white screen. In such cases, it usually occurs either during the loading of the operating system, or during the launch of some games or video recordings. Elimination of the malfunction consists only in replacing the failed parts with new ones, and additional measures may be required, such as cleaning the housing parts from corrosion or dust.
White screen can occur due to specific malware or software glitches. In this case, the picture will look like this: the user's operating system will boot successfully and the computer itself will work without any problems for a certain time. Then the working surface of the display is painted white. In order to fix such a problem, it is enough to enter the OS through safe mode (after rebooting, press the F8 button) and scan the hard disk using antivirus software, and also roll back the system to a checkpoint before which such a problem did not occur.