Each laptop and stationary personal computer has a kind of BIOS battery, which serves as a backup power supply and storage of settings. If necessary, it can be easily and simply replaced with a new one.

BIOS battery in laptop
As you might guess, the BIOS battery, first of all, serves as an additional reserve of computer power. Secondly, it maintains the operability of its CMOS memory. This memory stores the configuration of the personal computer, that is, various kinds of system settings made in the BIOS. It is worth noting that the manufacturer of the BIOS battery literally does not play any role. The thing is that in terms of quality they are almost all the same. Usually one such battery lasts for 2 to 5 years. As for its cost, it is very cheap - about 50 rubles.
Battery replacement
Each user can independently find out if the BIOS battery needs to be replaced. This usually needs to be done if: the time and date are regularly lost, as well as if the clock is behind the current ones, when expired certificates appear (usually this message appears when you try to start the browser), if the antivirus indicates that its databases are outdated, do not work any programs, etc. In order to replace the BIOS battery, you first need to go to the store and buy a new one. After that, you need to restart the computer and enter the BIOS using the Del button. All settings should be copied onto a piece of paper. This is done because after a new battery is supplied, all settings will automatically be reset to factory settings.
Unfortunately, replacing the battery on a laptop is a little more difficult than on a desktop personal computer, but this procedure will still not cause any serious problems even for novice users. The way to replace the BIOS battery on a laptop primarily depends on the design of the installed motherboard, the structure of the laptop case, and the method of installing the battery. The owner of the device will have to disassemble the laptop: open the removable cover located at the bottom of the device and pull out the battery. It is usually located underneath the tape or foil. This is done so that it does not come into contact with other components and does not heat up. The battery can be soldered to the motherboard and there can be some difficulties. In order to get it, you will first have to unsolder one of its ends and only then get it out. A new one is installed in the same place, and its ends are installed in the same grooves where the old ones were. All that remains is to put the laptop back together and start it up. System testing will begin, after which you can again set your own BIOS settings and use the computer as before.