Everyone is faced with a situation when the most valuable information is suddenly deleted by accident. And it doesn't matter what kind of files they are - favorite photographs from a trip to the sea, or many years of work on a doctoral dissertation - as a rule, the same emotions arise. Well, after the first attack of grief and panic subsides, there is a strong desire to recover deleted files.

Can this be done? As a rule, this is quite possible, and even not difficult, when an inexperienced user thinks that information has been irrevocably destroyed. The main thing is to remember two Great Laws of Successful Recovery of Lost Information:
Law 1: don't touch anything else! Found deleting files you want? Each subsequent action can finally destroy the information, even if before that it could be restored without much difficulty. So it's best to just step away from the computer and go to Law 2.
Law 2: see a specialist! This law applies to a greater extent even not "dummies" - they instinctively do so. It concerns those who think they know a little about "all this technique." These people are most often tempted to try to recover data on their own. The result, as a rule, is deplorable - a specialist who, in the end, will have to turn to anyway, will only throw up his hands, and the data will be completely lost.
Let's consider in more detail the situations when you may need to recover deleted files.
1. Accidentally clicked "delete file". The case is the simplest and safest: in modern systems, the file is not deleted irrevocably, but is placed in the trash. From there, it can be easily and safely removed, then wipe the cold sweat from your forehead and continue working. This is perhaps the only action that can be performed before contacting specialists.
Pitfalls: unfortunately, the Recycle Bin does not fit too large files, as well as files located on removable media such as floppy disks or flash drives.
2. The disk has been formatted, or the partitioning of logical volumes has been changed. In this case, the implementation of the First Law is of particular importance. The fact is that during formatting, the information on the disk is not destroyed, but simply the space occupied by the files is marked as "free" for the system. The advantage of this situation: if you take action immediately, then the data can be restored quickly, completely and without loss. Disadvantage: any recording to disk is performed on the “free” space, where our invaluable information is actually located. And recording can be carried out not only as a result of copying files by the user. Almost all programs, including Windows itself, periodically write something to disk: temporary data, autosave and the like, information blocks necessary for their functioning. Therefore, every second of computer operation is fraught with a decrease in the chances of information recovery: what if, right now, Windows will launch a scheduled disk defragmentation, after which it will be completely impossible to find any meaningful information in the "free" space? Turn off your computer as soon as possible, and see a specialist!
For the same reasons, the consequences of using various programs from the Internet designed to recover data can be sad. If you don't consider yourself a seasoned professional, you better not try. What the unknown program will recover is a big question. But finally wiping out the rest of your data, rewarding, moreover, with a luxurious set of viruses is easy.
3. The disk is physically out of order. Here - immediately to the specialists, and the fewer attempts to turn on a computer with a faulty disk, the greater the chances of recovery. If the drive is de-energized, then at least it won't get any worse. And if he tries to read or write something, then these attempts can easily destroy everything that could still be saved.