Novice users of personal computers may have many different problems, one way or another related to the operation of the computer, including where computer games are saved.

Perhaps, it will not be difficult for any experienced user of a personal computer to find this or that directory on a computer in order, for example, to solve a problem. Modern computer games are installed exclusively where the user himself indicates, but often people neglect this and do not even look at the installation path of the game. It should be noted that the main information about the game will be stored exactly where the user himself indicates, but the settings are usually located in a different directory (separate from the game).
Installation path for digital copies of games
More and more users purchase digital copies of games, that is, special license keys that open access to games on certain services (Steam, Uplay and Origin are considered the most popular today). It is for digital copies of games that the directory where they are stored and where they are downloaded will differ from the case when the user will install the game from disk. For example, if a user uses the Steam service, then the download will be carried out directly to the C: / Program Files / Steam / steamapps / "username" folder. Some of the already installed games are also stored here, and the other part may be in the C: / Program Files / Steam / steamapps / common folder. Whichever service is used, the path will always be the same, but with one difference - instead of Steam there will be either Uplay, or Origin, etc.
When installing from CD, the path will look different. Usually the game is installed in the C: / Program Files / "game name" folder. Naturally, this path will only exist if the user did not change the standard settings in the operating system itself and did not change the directory during the installation of the software.
Where are saves, settings and other game data located
As for settings, saves and other information, in Windows XP the path to them will look like this: C: / Documents and Settings / "username" / Application Data / "game name", and in Windows 7 and Windows Vista: C: / Users / "username" / (AppData) / (Roaming) / "game name". It is worth noting that the user cannot change the path to settings, saves and other data (only move, but this may affect performance), which means this path is suitable for most users.