For the sake of simple curiosity or in order to apply for a certain position, it is worth knowing your typing speed on a computer keyboard.

Life on the Internet is evolving at a rapid pace. Today, on the worldwide computer network, we are not only looking for useful information for work or study, but also fully communicate, we spend our leisure time in a variety of ways. However, all the opportunities provided by the Internet to any citizen will be inaccessible if a person types on a computer keyboard extremely slowly.
I have already written about keyboard simulators, which can help to form those who want to have a high typing speed. However, achievements in this area need to be recorded somehow. So how do you measure your keyboard typing speed?
1. Using a stopwatch
Obviously, the easiest way is to ask someone around you to simply time the time while you are typing unfamiliar text. You can also set a timer (on your cell phone or computer) and then count how many characters you have typed.
for typing in such a situation, it is better to use the Word program from Microsoft Office or similar from Libre Office. These programs have automatic counting of characters with or without spaces, statistics of entered words.
2. In an offline program
If you've used a keyboard trainer to train your typing speed, look there for a speed test. In the Stamina program I mentioned earlier! there is a test that will allow you to comfortably and objectively assess your achievements in this matter.
3. On the Internet
There are many sites on the Internet that host a variety of tests. In addition to psychological or logical tests, there are also quite convenient and objective tests that determine the speed of typing on the keyboard.
The choice of such a service is a matter of taste, but the site seemed quite nice to me. By the way, by regularly passing such tests, you will also involuntarily increase your typing speed.
Please note that in addition to fast typing speed, you must demonstrate literacy. The text should be entered with a minimum of typos!