The rapid development of information technology contributes to the emergence of a mass of useful programs and applications designed to make life and work easier for the user. A striking example is programs that help to recognize speech.

Speech-to-text software
It is no secret that personal computers are used not only to receive any information, but also to enter such information, both on the computer itself and on the worldwide network. The most familiar and widespread way of entering data is typing on the keyboard. However, the average user enters about 40 words per minute, which is much slower than human speech. It was to speed up the data entry process that speech recognition programs were created.
By far the most popular process is converting the user's speech into text. Unfortunately, today the market for such software is not widely represented. A striking representative can be called the RealSpeaker program, which allows the user to both create documents using voice writing, and send emails and other text messages. It should be noted that programs for converting speech into text are presented not only on the platform of a personal computer, but are also found on mobile devices and other gadgets. It is worth remembering that any text created using a speech recognition program must be checked and, most often, corrected, because today, there is no perfect speech recognition program.
Computer speech control program
Apart from programs that can only convert speech into text, there are programs for controlling a computer using speech. The undisputed leader in the development of such software is Nuance, the brainchild of which is the Dragon Naturally Speaking program. It allows you to increase the efficiency of working with a personal computer by programming the system to perform certain actions at the user's voice request (for example, launching a certain program, opening / closing a window, going to the browser home page, and much more). Not limited to the above capabilities, Dragon NS can also convert speech to text for documents and messages.
Nuances of using speech recognition programs
Despite the extensive development of speech recognition software, there is one important detail worth noting. The above programs work well for recognizing English speech, but when it comes to other languages, including Russian, problems begin. It is also worth adding that for the correct operation of such programs, you must have the appropriate equipment, namely a microphone with a noise suppression function. Standard microphones for PCs and built-in microphones for laptops do not suppress extraneous noise, which, in turn, interferes with the correct functioning of the program.