Batch files are a popular tool for automating some routine tasks. They are especially used by system and network administrators. Even the simplest use of baht files can save you a lot of time. Moreover, ready-made sets of commands for each specific case are easy to find on the Internet. However, to execute these commands, you need to make a baht file for them.

Step 1
To make a baht file, launch the Windows Notepad application. If the notepad icon is not on the desktop, click on the "Start" button, then "Run" and type notepad in the window. Click "Ok".
Step 2
To avoid problems with launching a baht file, make the main part of the file name no more than 8 letters long. In this case, you should limit yourself to numbers and English letters.
After typing the desired name in the line "File name" (for example, test.bat), remember in which folder it will be located and click "OK".
Step 3
After the baht file receives a non-standard extension, it will no longer be opened with a text editor by default. To open a baht file for editing, use the “Change” line instead of the “Open” item (to call up a list of options, just right-click with the cursor on the file name.).
Step 4
If you try to run such a (empty) baht file, you will get an error message. To check the "performance" of such a file, you need to fill it with the simplest commands.
For example, write the line to the baht file
echo off
and try to execute it. A black window should flash on the monitor screen. If at the same time no error messages pop up, then the baht file is ready to work.
Step 5
To finally make sure that the baht file works, add the line to it
and run it again. This time a black window should appear with a suggestion to press some key. Click on any button and go to the Internet to look for a set of commands suitable for solving your problem. For example on a page:, where almost all basic situations of using batch files are considered.