Without applications and programs, no computer can function at full capacity, which is why it is so important for every developer to know how a high-quality user-friendly application should differ, and how to make it in order to achieve the best result. Learn to create simple, easy-to-understand applications with a responsive interface and no bugs - this will bring you success as a developer. In short, learn how to create apps that will generate positive feedback from the people who use them.

Step 1
When creating an application, do not chase too complex systems. They slow down the program, and their capabilities often go unused. If you have chosen a complex library that will increase the weight of the program and slow down its loading, abandon it in favor of a lighter and simpler one. This option will be more convenient for the end user, especially if your application is not very large.
Step 2
Pay attention to the graphics if they are used in the program. Use only standard fonts and standard controls, especially if you are creating an application to work in the web interface. All elements of the program should be as standard and universal as possible in order to reduce the risk of incorrect display of the application on other computers and in other browsers. In addition, in the case of a Web application, it should work even with a weak Internet connection. Pay special attention to this.
Step 3
When creating a program, try to do so that the processing of each operation does not take much time. This will prevent the program from freezing. Do not perform any operations while handling events to avoid overloading the interface.
Step 4
When working on an application, always keep in mind the task that it should perform. All actions performed using the application should be aimed only at achieving the final goal, and at the same time lead to the correct results. Pay special attention to the correctness of the results of working with the program. It must perform well and perform the required tasks. In addition, pay attention to the moments when the program freezes in operation - try to eliminate everything that leads to a slowdown in functioning in order to reduce the possibility of subsequent freezing for the user.
Step 5
Test the finished program at the maximum resource of its capabilities - this will give you an objective idea of how it works, and will also allow you to eliminate the identified shortcomings.