Point size is a conventional designation of the font size of the text, namely its height, taking into account the descenders of certain letters. This word comes from the German language and literally means "size".

At the moment, there are several systems for measuring fonts. The first is the Didot system, which was developed in Paris, and later found application in France, Europe, and then, during the Soviet era, was adopted by Russia. The second current system for accounting for font height is a system of Anglo-American origin, its difference lies in the fact that the unit of measurement for font height is the peak. In both of the above systems, the unit of measure is the typographic point. It is universal, with its help you can also identify the features of each system and show the differences between French and Anglo-American. In the first case, the value of this parameter will have the following form: 1 p. = 0.3759 mm, and for the Anglo-American system - 0.3527 mm. Skittles appeared a long time ago, therefore their history also includes the fact that even in Since the time of the metal set for pins, special designations were created, classifying them according to certain characteristics. If you have a desire, you can easily find the table of pins and view them in the Anglo-American and French systems, as well as find out the names that have most of the positions invented by typesetters many years ago. At the moment, this term is widely used by designers, writers, secretaries and others who often do text editing work. It is also often used in various instructions and instructions for performing a particular work, jewelry and when issuing money. If suddenly you come across the concept of "size" in an assignment, for example, to a term paper, most likely it will have a numerical value and "pt" after it, for example, 14 pt - this will mean that you will need to choose this particular font size applicable to the text.