Users of a personal computer who regularly leave a computer in sleep or hibernation mode know that the computer saves information in a special file, the size of which can sometimes reach several gigabytes.

Why do i need the hiberfil.sys file?
Hiberfil.sys is a special file in which the operating system saves information after the user enters sleep or hibernation mode. In more detail, when the computer goes into sleep mode, the Windows operating system automatically copies the contents of the RAM to this file and saves it, and when you restart it, the system loads this file back into memory. Usually, the size of the hiberfil.sys file is equal to the amount of RAM used, which in some cases reaches several tens of gigabytes. Thus, it turns out that after removing it from the hard disk, the user will be able to free up a significant amount of free space. It is worth noting that in the Windows 7 operating system, even when hibernation is disabled, this file can be stored on the hard disk, therefore, it takes up space on the hard disk.
Deleting the hiberfil.sys file
First, the user will need to go to the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel" and then "Power". In the window that appears, click on the "Power plan settings" button and disable hibernation by selecting the value in the "Put the computer into sleep mode" field - "Never". After that, you need to click on the "Change advanced power settings" button, find the sleep mode in the list that appears and turn it off using the appropriate button. In order to delete the hiberfil.sys file without any adverse consequences from a personal computer, you need to press the Win + R hotkey combination and enter the powercfg –hibernate –off command in the field. This command completely disables hibernation on the personal computer and deletes the file from the hard drive. After that, you should restart your computer. If you need to restore the ability to start hibernation, you can do this using the enable command - powercfg –hibernate –on.
When everything is ready, it remains to check for the presence of the hiberfil.sys file on the hard disk of the personal computer. First, you need to enable the display of hidden files and folders. You need to open the "Control Panel", select the "Folder Option" and go to the "View" tab. Check the box next to "Show hidden files, folders and drives" and uncheck "Hide protected system files". Next, you need to confirm the changes and open the system drive C.