Does the battery of your smartphone, tablet, laptop start to discharge quickly? Perhaps this is not a manufacturing defect, but the consequences of improper battery charging!

We are used to charging gadgets when the battery is almost completely discharged, but this habit persisted after the recommendations of the manufacturers of nickel-cadmium batteries. It is not entirely correct for modern batteries. Yes, you can wait for your smartphone or tablet to turn off and then put it on charge, but this is absolutely not necessary.
Those batteries that are installed in modern tablets, smartphones, and laptops can be charged until the device shuts down spontaneously, and it is not at all necessary to bring the charge level to 100 percent. The charging mode can be close to the most comfortable for the owner of the device - if it seems to you that there is not enough charge for the tasks at hand, do not worry about the quality of the battery, just put the gadget to recharge to the level you need. Electronics manufacturers advise charging batteries whenever possible and not chasing the ideal 100 percent.
But leaving the device on charge longer than necessary is not worth it. Modern smartphones and other devices usually take no more than 4 hours to fully charge, so don't leave them charging overnight.
It is very important to monitor the temperature conditions in which the gadget is located. Do not overheat or overcool the device significantly. In the summer, do not leave the tablet in the sun for a long time; in the winter, carry it in an inner pocket or a thick case. Also, do not forget that laptops should not be placed on soft surfaces (blanket, sofa, pillow) so that the ventilation system can work fully.
Helpful hint: About once a month or two, allow your device to fully discharge and recharge. This "training" of the battery allows the system to correctly determine the battery level of the device.