Security researchers have been able to come up with a way to bypass any popular antivirus. The authors of this system emphasized that in this way such an attack would be effective in any case. Antivirus protection was bypassed due to the vulnerability of multicore systems - the inability to track the actions of multiple threads.

Step 1
Now the most widespread is the antivirus of the Kaspersky Lab. Therefore, it will be about him. There is a way that allows, without encryption and without encrypting the code, to silence the antivirus. First, what is PE? PE is the most widely used executable application format. If we briefly consider the significant elements of the application, we can distinguish that it begins with a DOS program that displays a message that the work is taking place only in the Win environment. Note the structure of the header in this format. As you can see, there are a lot of empty bytes here that you can insert your own code. In general, who will have enough imagination.
Step 2
So, let's continue. Read the title and pull out the EntryPoint. If you don't know, this is the entry point to the program. Simply put, it is mapped to memory at startup, after which the processor executes the command it points to. Remember the real entry point. Write down your programming code. Keep the condition that it then has to hand over execution to the file itself.
Step 3
Next, you need to change the EntryPoint itself, which will already point to your code. This can be done in two ways: manually or using a program. The program that will help you bypass antivirus is called AntiKaspersky. It uses the anti-virus bypass methods described here. AntiKaspersky can be downloaded for free. This method will greatly simplify your task. To do this manually, you need to be at least a little familiar with programming. In any case, although it is interesting, it will take a lot of time and effort. This way you can bypass almost any antivirus.