Shortcuts are a copy of an icon for a program, file, or folder and are essentially a link to the original. The advantage of using shortcuts is that by accidentally deleting or moving them, you won't lose data.

Step 1
It is recommended to "hang" shortcuts to the desktop for folders and files that are stored outside the Windows system partition. Thus, the necessary data will always be at hand, and in the event of a system failure and loss of information on the system partition, your files will not be damaged.
Step 2
To make a shortcut to any program, folder or file, right-click on the icon and select "Send" - "Desktop (create shortcut)" from the context menu. The shortcut will be immediately placed on the desktop, and from there it can be moved to any desired location.
Step 3
Alternatively, from the context menu, you can select Create Shortcut, which will appear in the same folder as the original file, and then move it to your desktop by selecting Copy and Paste.