For the sound card to work correctly, like any other device, you need a driver - a small utility with which the operating system controls the hardware. As a rule, drivers recorded on an optical disc are included with the equipment upon purchase. Problems can start if the disc is lost …

When reinstalling Windows or after incorrectly disconnecting the system unit from the power supply, the drivers may crash. At the same time, the sound card is not detected, in the "Device Manager" this device is marked with a yellow question and exclamation marks and is designated as "Unknown device". There are several ways to find out the type of sound card and find a free driver for it.
Go to the site and click the "Start" button. The system will offer you to download the DevIDagent.exe utility to determine the configuration of your computer and search for drivers for components. Specify the folder on your hard drive where the file will be saved.
After the download is complete, the utility will independently start testing your computer and display a list of equipment for which drivers are not installed or need updating. You can update or install drivers for all hardware in the list, or just for the sound card. Leave the checkboxes where you want and click "Install". After the installation is complete, the program will offer to restart the system. Answer yes.
Another useful and free program for automatically finding and installing drivers is DriverPack Solution. Go to the developer's website and use the link "Driver Updater". You will be offered to download a light (Light) or full (Full) version of the program. Since both options are free and the full version is much more powerful, download DriverPack Solution 12.3 Full. The site provides detailed instructions on how to use the program.
If your sound card is integrated into the motherboard, go to the manufacturer's website and find the driver for the sound card there. The free PC Wizard program will help you to determine the type of motherboard. Click on the "Hardware" button on the left side of the screen and click on the "Motherboard" icon.