The desire to cut out the words from a favorite song in order to be able to sing it to the soundtrack sometimes visits every person. To get a high-quality phonogram, you can contact a professional recording studio, where they will take a certain amount of money for this service. But besides this, you can try to avoid unnecessary expenses and cut out the words from the song using your home computer and specialized programs for working with sound.

Step 1
Cutting words from a song will help you with programs such as Sound Forge, Power Sound Editor Free, Audacity, mp3DirectCut and others, the interface of which allows you to edit music files and work with sound frequencies. After installing the selected program, open the file with the song from which you want to cut words with it.
Step 2
The easiest way to cut out words from a song is to edit the track in such a way as to replace the parts of the music that contain words (verses and choruses) with similar plays without words. The functions "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste" will help you with this. However, this method does not always work, but only if the song is structurally and musically simple and consists of identical segments repeated many times. In addition, such editing can be quite difficult to remove the artist's breath and backing vocals from the song.
Step 3
Another way to cut out words from a song is to suppress the corresponding audio frequencies using programs. Frequencies are categorized as low, mid and high. Voices have their own range of sound, mainly corresponding to the mid and high frequencies, although the ranges of male and female voices are naturally different. By cutting out these frequencies from the music in this way, you get a song without words. However, this option also has its drawbacks. Firstly, along with the voice, the instruments sounding in the same range will disappear, and the remaining song will be incomplete. Secondly, even in what remains after such processing, usually the performer's voice still does not disappear completely. Therefore, having tried to make a soundtrack of your favorite song on your own, in the end, it makes sense to either look for a "minus" on the Internet, or still contact a recording studio.