What Is Punto Switcher For?

What Is Punto Switcher For?
What Is Punto Switcher For?

The problem of unswitched keyboard layouts literally haunts people conducting business correspondence, sending a message to the forum and typing long texts of documents. To avoid having to retype text typed in the wrong keyboard layout, there is the popular Punto Switcher program.

What is punto switcher for?
What is punto switcher for?

Punto Switcher: smart switch keyboard layout

The first and, perhaps, the main function of the software product, which was born almost ten years ago, is to automatically change the keyboard layout. In translation, punto switcher means "switching point".

Moreover, Punto Switcher contains almost all the languages of the world, and it easily determines what exactly you wanted to type and in which layout. Determination of the correct typing language occurs after typing 3-4 characters in the wrong layout.

In addition to the fact that the program switches the keyboard layout automatically, determining the desired language, the letters typed in the wrong layout also change to the desired ones. This dramatically saves time and saves you from retyping text.

Punto Switcher is a smart program, but it's not perfect either. Therefore, after installation, if necessary, the software will need to be learned a little, thereby saving yourself from false positives. The training is carried out through the settings, where you need to find the list of exception words and add frequently used abbreviations to it so that Punto Switcher does not react to them as typos.

While using the program, you can add to the list of exclusions, if suddenly Punto does not recognize any of the words you are typing.

Punto Switcher: Stealthy Spy

In addition to the function of changing the keyboard layout, Punto Switcher also has a diary option. It consists in the fact that the program will carefully record all keystrokes on the keyboard in a text file.

Diary in Punto Switcher can come in handy for recovering accidentally deleted texts. For example, you have been typing an essay or term paper for a long time, and suddenly the electricity went out. An office program is often able to reproduce not all of the text after a crash or not save the file at all, and the Punto Switcher diary "remembers" everything and will save you from having to type everything again.

The diary does not preserve the formatting of the text, but this is not a big loss when recovering several dozen sheets of text that were not saved in the office suite.

The diary option in Punto Switcher is also used by some users to remember previously entered passwords. By the way, the diary itself can also be closed with a password so that no one except you can read your keyboard logs. Closing the diary for a password is performed through the program settings, the "Diary" tab.
