Travian is an online browser game that is a real-time strategy game. There are three main peoples in the game that you can play as: Gauls, Germans and Romans. The strategy and dynamics of your development will depend on which people you choose. Immediately, we note that the Gauls are an excellent protective people, the main advantage of the Germans is fast and cheap attacking troops, and the Romans are the golden mean.

Step 1
Choosing the right people to play as depends on the time you spend playing. If you can afford to spend 10-12 hours a day in the game for the first 2-3 months, then choose the Germans. If your online time is 5-10 hours, then it is better to play Gauls. There is a period in the game during which you cannot fight. It must be spent wisely.
Step 2
If you chose the Gauls, then during the "peaceful" period, you need to build several mines that bring resources, as well as take care of the caches. They make it possible to hide a certain amount of resources when attacking your village. If you plan not only to hide, but also to repulse the strong Germans, then the main initial goal of your game is to recruit as many phalanxes as possible. The Phalanx is the cheapest defensive unit for the Gauls. An inexperienced player, after the first attack on a defended village, will look for easier ways to get resources.
Step 3
If you decide to play for the Germans, then the entire starting period you must hire clubs. The price of this unit is 40 iron, 95 wood, 40 grain and 75 clay. It is logical to assume that you will need to build mines in the following proportion: 1 iron / 2 clay / 3 wooden.
Step 4
Playing as the Romans, you can choose two options for development: sit out for caches, periodically rebuffing enemies, or become a threat to your neighbors. The disadvantage of the second option is that the cost of units for the Romans is relatively expensive. For one legionnaire, you will have to pay 180 iron, 120 wood, 40 grain and 100 clay. Those. the total amount of resources is 440. The Germans have a clubman worth 250. A large army of legionnaires cannot be accumulated at the start. Hire 5-6 units and carefully visit empty and defenseless villages nearby. And it is better to immediately join a strong German and supply him with praetorians in exchange for patronage.