How To Register ICQ On A Computer

How To Register ICQ On A Computer
How To Register ICQ On A Computer

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In connection with the arrival of various new technologies for telephone conversations and information transfer, the system for transferring messages and files, through the so-called ICQ (ICQ or ISQ - "I seek you") is gaining more and more popularity. The main application of ICQ is instant messaging using the OSCAR protocol.

How to register ICQ on a computer
How to register ICQ on a computer


Step 1

In order to use all the features of ICQ, you need to install the appropriate software on your computer and register in the system. There are several options for purchasing software and registering, but the best is to use the official website.

Step 2

Go to the program website located at and download the latest version of the program in the Download section. It's free

Step 3

Install the downloaded program on your computer.

Step 4

Then follow the link and fill out the registration form

Nickname is your fictitious name;

First Name - your real name;

Last Name - your last name;

E-mail - your e-mail address (usually used for password recovery, but can be used to log in to the system);

Gender is your gender;

Age - age;

Choose a Password - your chosen password (any, but the more complex it is, the more difficult it will be to hack your account);

Confirm the Password - repeat your password;

Question 1 - a verification question (this question is used to recover a password, you can choose a standard one);

Answer 1 - the answer to your chosen security question (the more difficult the answer, the less likely it is to be hacked, but you will need to remember it);

Type the numbers shown in the image - you must enter a captcha (a set of characters with a nearby picture);

Step 5

Click Submit and proceed. Earlier, after registration, a window immediately appeared with a congratulation on registration and your ICQ number (Uin). If the window does not appear, after the end of registration, about which you should be notified in any case, close the work with the site.

Step 6

Sometimes situations arise that the first time you cannot register. Please note that the same email address can only be used for one registration. If you want to re-register or change your ICQ number, please use a different address.

Step 7

Launch the ICQ program installed on your computer, after launching, you will need to enter your number or email address and password. If the number was not immediately provided to you during registration, then enter the email address.

Step 8

Having entered the program in the Menu-Profile section, you can find out your ICQ number.

Step 9

You should remember or write down: the ICQ number, the password entered during registration and the answer to the security question.

Step 10

It should be borne in mind that when downloading the program from other sites or registering on other sites, you can cheat a little and not enter your real email address (if you do not want to receive spam from this site). The site script only checks for the presence of a "dog" (@) and one dot. On the ICQ website, it is better to enter your real address, so that, if something happens, you can recover your password.
