When working with graphics applications, it is often necessary to change the color scheme used for image editing. With a simple interface, you can choose an alternative to the standard RGB color scheme. It is also easy to set any shades of colors in other color shaping schemes: CMYK, Lab, HSB. Color rendering options in various schemes provide great opportunities for high-quality photo processing. In Adobe Photoshop Image Editor, a few simple steps are required to set up a new color scheme.
Graphic application Adobe Photoshop, digitized image (photo)
Step 1
Open the graphic file in Photoshop. To do this, select the "File" item in the main menu, then in the "Open" drop-down submenu, the same action can be performed by pressing the Ctrl + O combination on the keyboard. Your photo will be displayed on the application screen.
Step 2
Select the "Image" item and the "Mode" sub-item in the main menu. A submenu will open on the right where you can set the color scheme. Items: "RGB Color", "CMYK Color", "Lab Color" set the corresponding color schemes. By default, the graphics editor always sets the RGB color scheme.
Step 3
Select the item with the color scheme you need. Changes in the color scheme of the edited photo are immediately displayed on the screen.
Step 4
Save the new color settings for this image. To do this, select "File" in the main menu, then "Save As …", or just press Ctrl + S.