Programming is one of the main professions of our time. This happened largely due to the fact that digital technologies in general and computers in particular have densely entered everyday life, therefore, having basic programming skills is a completely understandable desire for many users.

Step 1
Assess your needs. You can write the first program in any language after the first lesson: in a classic way, it will display the inscription "Hello, World!" However, do you need such a program, and will such skills be enough? First of all, you need to decide what you want from yourself: to be able to write any necessary software on your own, or to know the principles of the technology as a whole? It is also important because it will help you choose in which language to write your first program. For less demanding needs, “Pascal” or “Basis” is enough, but if you have long-term plans, then you should think about C ++.
Step 2
Buy or download the For Dummies series from the Internet. Of course, there may be other literature in their place, but the proposed products are the easiest to understand and useful for learning. Their plus is that you will constantly combine the study of theory with its use in practice, thus constantly finding application of new skills; and writing your first own program quickly enough will provide a good incentive for subsequent studies.
Step 3
Learn the principles of writing algorithms. This is a basic skill of any programmer, and all digital technologies are built on it today. An algorithm is a sequence of commands that must be executed during operation, and if the algorithm is short for a simple program, then you simply cannot describe a really complex process without first drawing up an algorithm. For writing, there are principles that are uniform for all languages, so any programming lessons should be started with the study of algorithms.
Step 4
Learn the basic rules of the language. Actually, the "language" of programming is so called precisely because it conveys information (algorithm) through certain rules and words, like any human language. To write your first program, you only need a basic knowledge of the rules of "syntax": for example, in C ++ a program starts with "void main {"; after each line a semicolon is put, and at the end you need to write “return 0; } ".