In Minecraft, there are practically no boundaries for bringing ideas to life. Here you can build many items that will be useful to the character. Mechanisms play an important role in the manufacture of things. They allow you to automate your house, car and other household items. That is why every player needs to know how to make mechanisms in Minecraft.

In Minecraft, you can make many different mechanisms that will help make your character's life easier. To use them, you need to refer to the inventory tab.
How to make red dust in Minecraft
One of the most useful mechanisms in the game is red dust. It is needed to supply electricity to other mechanisms. To make red dust, you need to mine and destroy red ore blocks. It can be taken from the witch or bought.
How to make a lever in Minecraft
An important mechanism is the lever. He is the switch in the game. To make this mechanism in Minecraft, you need to put on the workbench a cobblestone obtained by processing an ordinary stone with a pickaxe and a stick made of two boards.

How to make a red torch in Minecraft
The red dust torch is needed to activate the red wires, it activates various mechanisms. It can be used as a light source, but it is not bright enough.
To make a red torch in Minecraft, you need a stick and red dust.

Mechanical doors in Minecraft
An ordinary door in the game can be opened by pressing the right mouse button. However, here you can also make an iron door, which cannot be opened without the use of additional mechanisms. Doors can also be made automatic. To set doors in Minecraft in motion, you may need wires, buttons, levers that are installed in the opening point.
How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft
In Minecraft, you can make a mechanism such as a pressure plate. She is another type of switch in the game. Electricity is supplied to the mechanism, if there is a mob or a player on it, when the plate remains empty, the energy supply stops.
To make a pressure plate in Minecraft, you need to put two stones or two boards on the workbench. A wooden plate can be turned on not only by a living entity, but also by an object thrown at it or an arrow fired.

How to make a repeater in Minecraft
Repeaters are used to create electrical circuits in the game. They can delay, amplify or direct the signal in one direction. To make a repeater, you need stones, red torches and red dust. To make a repeater for the manufacture of mechanisms in Minecraft, you need to arrange all the items as shown in the picture.

How to make a piston in Minecraft
Many mechanisms in Minecraft cannot be made without pistons. These useful objects set blocks in motion in various complex designs. It is almost impossible to make a trap, an elevator, automatic doors, a truss without a piston. Pistons can be ordinary and sticky, while the former can push objects, and the latter can return.
To make a piston in Minecraft, you need boards, cobblestones, red dust and an iron ingot. The piston craft can be seen in the photo.
To make a sticky piston out of an ordinary piston, you need to put it on a workbench and add mucus to it, which can be obtained from slugs.

How to make dynamite in Minecraft
With the help of dynamite in Minecraft, you can make clever traps, a TNT cannon, a structure for destroying a large number of blocks. To make TNT, you need sand and gunpowder. To activate dynamite, you need to use fire, any mechanism with a red stone, or an explosion nearby.

How to make a dispenser in Minecraft
Another useful mechanism in the game is the dispenser. It is needed to drop or give out a large number of items. To craft a dispenser, you need to put cobblestones, a bow and red dust on the workbench.

Thanks to all the items described, you can make mechanisms in Minecraft that are used in everyday life. Such things make the game much more realistic and more interesting.