A modern laptop does not differ in performance from stationary personal computers. But the laptop is more prone to overheating and excessive noise, so it's worth figuring out why this is happening.

Design features
Due to the fact that the laptop is compact and mobile, the devices inside it are located much closer than inside a conventional stationary PC, so air circulation inside the laptop is impaired. This is most often the reason for the hot temperature of the device. In order to reduce it, it is necessary to regularly monitor the cleanliness of the laptop's cooling system, as well as check the condition of the thermal paste necessary to reduce the temperature of the processor.
Excessive noise
There can be several sources of laptop noise. First, it's the same cooling system. In order for it to work silently and efficiently, it must be cleaned regularly, at least once a quarter. Excessive noise can come from the hard drive, CD drive, video card. If the cooling system is clean, proven, and there is noise, then, most likely, you will have to carry the laptop to a specialized service center.
The price of cooling pads can vary from 300 to 5000 rubles, depending on the power and additional functionality.
Preventive measures
In addition to cleaning the cooling system and changing the thermal paste, it is recommended to move the laptop from place to place as little as possible. Even if it is a portable technique, its quality does not always contribute to changing operating conditions. If the laptop itself is prone to noise, then this is not always a technical defect. The fact is that some high-power laptops are very demanding on the cooling system, so it can often make noise.
In order to reduce the temperature of the laptop and reduce the load on the cooling system, it is necessary to purchase a special cooling pad that blows cooled air under the bottom of the laptop. If there is no money for its purchase, then you can slightly tilt the laptop, substituting it under one edge either a book, or something for which it can be fixed. This will provide adequate air circulation at the bottom of the laptop.
Advanced users often design their own laptop cooling systems from old fans. However, if unsuccessful, this system may damage the USB outputs of the laptop, resulting in a void of warranty.
Choosing a silent laptop
To make sure that the laptop works quietly, you need to ask the seller to turn it on and run some program that will make it work hard and, accordingly, warm up. If the noise of ventilation suits the buyer, then he can purchase it. If a laptop has a powerful, gaming package, then here you have to find a compromise, since excessively quiet ventilation means insufficient cooling of the laptop, and this is fraught with premature breakdowns. In other words, there will be much more noise sources from a laptop.