The µTorrent program has long and deservedly been considered the best torrent client for downloading files from the Internet, be it movies, music collections or games. The simple and intuitive interface of the program has always been pleasing to the eye, however, with the release of new versions, advertising has appeared in the program.

Since version 3.2.2, users have noticed annoying banner ads that have appeared in µTorrent. The developers themselves began to offer the PRO version for use, in which, along with extended functionality (completely unnecessary for an ordinary user), the absence of advertising flash videos is guaranteed. There are several ways to remove banners from the free version of the torrent client.
The main method is to change some parameters of the settings of the program itself. It allows you to turn off ads in just a couple of mouse clicks without resorting to third-party tools and programs. In the main µTorrent window, go to the submenu, select the item ". In the main settings window, a lot of parameters will appear, of which we are only interested in a few. The first line we need is called" offers.left_rail_offer_enabled ", by double-clicking on which we change the value of this parameter from" true”to“* false.”We apply the same actions to the second parameter“offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled.”Finally, click and restart the program.
An even more unpretentious way to remove ads from the µTorrent program is represented by a special script. This is a small algorithm that can independently make the necessary settings in the torrent client program. To start it, you need to go to the site of the script itself (just type the name into the search engine), click on the button and agree with the changes that this script will suggest to make.
: after applying the second method, the program interface will undergo some changes, light tones will change to dark ones.