If a banner warning "Windows is blocked" appears on your computer, don't panic. This is just a virus and you can get rid of it in the same way as you can get rid of all the others - just remove it.

Ransomware banner
The essence of the viral banner is that it blocks the operation of the OS and displays a "scary" message, which indicates that the user has violated certain laws, watched adult content or something like that. And in order for this violation to be “forgiven” you, you need to pay the N-th amount of rubles to the specified phone or electronic wallet, after which the user will receive a code to unlock the system.
It is clear that after payment nothing will change: no one will send the unlock code, and the system will still remain locked. You need to get rid of the virus yourself. Infection with such a virus often occurs due to the fact that an antivirus was not installed on the computer or it was rarely updated. In addition, the user could contribute to the emergence of this virus by downloading games, movies, music from suspicious sites. Also, recently, this virus "walks" in social networks.
Banner removal methods
So, if your computer is "infected" with this virus, the first thing to know is that you shouldn't pay cybercriminals. The only purpose of such a virus is money. And the more users "feed" this virus, the more often this virus software will spread.
For many users, reinstalling the OS may seem like the easiest way to remove a virus. But this is a completely stupid way - you should not delete all your data from your computer for the sake of a virus (unless in an extreme case, when other options did not help).
The first way to get rid of the banner is the easiest and fastest. First you need to restart your computer or laptop, and as soon as the system starts to turn on, press the F8 key several times. A menu of additional system boot options will appear on the screen, where you need to select the "safe mode with command line support" item. In the window that opens, you need to enter two commands: "cleanmgr", and "rstrui" (commands are written without quotes and between them you must press "Enter"). After that, the banner should disappear.
You can try to remove the virus by starting the system in safe mode. To do this, you need to restart your computer again, press the F8 button a couple of times and select "Safe Mode with Network Driver Support". After starting the system, you must click "Start - Run" and enter the command regedit. Then you need to go to the path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / Winlogon" and find 2 parameters: Shell and Userinit. In the properties of the first parameter, you need to delete everything except "explorer.exe", and in the properties of the second, leave only "userinit.exe". After such manipulations, the banner must disappear.
If a serious virus is caught, and when you start your computer in safe mode, a banner still appears, then you need to use special programs. For example, you can remove a virus using an antivirus (Kaspersky Rescue Disc, etc.) or using liveCD, antiSMS, etc. To do this, you need to burn the software to a disk or USB flash drive, insert it into your computer and restart the system (to write software to a USB flash drive need another work computer). After detecting a virus, the program will remove it and the banner will no longer bother you.