When choosing components for a PC, it is important to take into account the power consumption of the assembled computer. It is on this characteristic that you should be guided when buying a power supply. It is better to buy a power supply with some power reserve.

The key parameter of a computer power supply is power. Therefore, when choosing a power supply unit, first of all, you should focus on the total power consumption of all components of your computer. To calculate the power, you can use a special online calculator, for example, Cooler Master calculator. If you are calculating manually, then do not forget to increase the resulting value by 25-35%. This power reserve is necessary to ensure that the power supply is not operated to the limit of its capabilities, as this will shorten its service life.
Which power supply to choose for a desktop PC
A budget desktop computer has a rather modest configuration, so on average it consumes no more than 350-450 watts. For such PCs, you can choose power supplies with a capacity of less than 500 watts.
However, it is important to understand that if you want to make a small upgrade of components, for example, add an additional hard drive, a RAM module or replace a video card, then you will face a lack of power in the existing power supply. Therefore, it is better not to try to save $ 5-10 and overpay for an extra hundred watts, but in the future you will not have to replace the power supply.
Which power supply to choose for a gaming PC
The gaming computer consumes quite a lot of electricity. With a powerful multi-core processor and a gaming video card, its power consumption can be 550-800 watts. Therefore, a powerful power supply is required.
Now on sale you can find blocks with a capacity of up to 1500 watts. However, little-known Chinese manufacturers sometimes overestimate the real power. Therefore, it is better to refuse cheap Chinese components in favor of products from leading manufacturers of computer components.
Connectors and cables
Depending on the type of connection, power supplies are divided into two categories: standard and modular. The standard type has non-removable connectors and cables. Modular units have detachable cables, so cables that are not in use can be disconnected, which is very convenient in terms of saving space in the computer case.
It is also important to pay attention to the number of connectors. If your computer will have multiple hard drives, make sure you have enough SATA connectors. The SATA connector is also used to connect optical CD drives.