A video card is a microcircuit, the main purpose of which is to display information on a computer monitor in the form of an image. A video card is necessary for the normal operation of programs, and for computer games. Therefore, when buying a new computer or improving an existing one, one of the main questions is, which video card should you choose?

It is necessary
Before you start choosing a video card, check the model of your motherboard to determine their compatibility
Step 1
The video card in a modern computer is primarily responsible for the performance in 3D games. Moreover, the more powerful the video card, the more expensive it is, and the greater the requirements it places on the rest of the PC components. Therefore, if the computer is supposed to be used as an office or as the basis for a home theater, buying a powerful and expensive video card may be pointless.
Step 2
Pay attention to the cost of video cards, which fluctuates within a very wide range, while more expensive cards usually have higher performance, and the more expensive the video card is, the later you will have to change it.
Step 3
Do not forget about the requirements that the video card makes to the rest of the components. First of all, this concerns the power supply, the requirements for which the manufacturer must indicate on the box with the video card, or on the official website. Otherwise, there are no strict requirements, however, installing a powerful video card together with a weak processor or in an outdated motherboard may not allow it to reach its full potential.
Step 4
Decide on the choice of the manufacturer. There are a lot of manufacturers of video cards today, but there are only two manufacturers of graphic chips - these are GeForce from nVidia and Radeon from ATI. At the same time, two video cards on the same chip, but having different manufacturers, can differ significantly depending on, for example, the type of installed memory.
Step 5
So, the video card has been chosen, however, before buying it is worth studying the information about it, the reviews of those who already use such a device, fortunately, the Internet provides the widest opportunities for this.
Step 6
The purchase itself. If you have followed the previous points completely, the purchase will be very simple. But, if you still have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the seller.