It is very convenient to store information on large hard disks. There is no need to delete data to free up space, you can copy and download large files. But apart from the large volume, hard drives are mobile. Now there is no need to duplicate data on computer devices, go to friends with a hard drive. What parameters should be used to choose an external hard drive?

Select a disk based on the tasks assigned to it
You need to start your choice with volume. If you need a hard disk to store large amounts of information, it is better to take the largest volume, from 2 terabytes. In order to copy small data, such as documents, you can take a hard drive up to 250 gigabytes.
Hard disk speed
When copying and deleting large amounts of information, such as movies or games, the speed of the hard drive is important. Your best bet is a USB 3.0 hard drive. It is important to note that hard drives are connected using the USB port. The thing is that USB 2.0 supports a speed of 480 megabytes, and USB 3.0 - 4.8 gigabytes per second.
A hard disk's buffer is its RAM, also referred to as disk cache. The most used files are stored there so that you can quickly access them. The cache speed is several times faster than the speed of the hard drive itself. Buffer sizes can be 8, 16, 32 or 64 megabytes. Of course, the bigger the cache, the better.
Spindle speed
This speed affects the speed of access to files stored on the hard drive. The discs have two rotation speeds: 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm. The higher the speed, the better.
Manufacturing companies
Some of the best hard drive manufacturers include Hitachi, Transcend, Western Digital, and Seagate. Of course, it would be best to read reviews about a particular hard drive.