An external hard drive is a convenient storage for photos, documents. What criteria are important when choosing this device?

If you have an old computer at home with a small hard drive, then you have long felt the lack of space to store your own files. There are two ways to solve the problem - change the HDD of your computer or purchase an external hard drive.
An external hard drive is connected via a USB port to any computer or laptop and does not require any specific software to work with you, so you can take photos, documents on such a drive with you to view them on other people's PCs.
What is an external hard drive?
This is a regular disk (large, for a regular PC, or small, for a laptop) in a plastic or metal box. Inside the box, the hard drive is connected to a special board, into which a standard USB cable is connected from the outside. This board also provides power connections for the hard drive.
Helpful Hint: All other things being equal, choose an external hard drive with a rubberized casing that protects your device from light mechanical stress.
Which hard drive should you choose?
1. The volume of the hard disk. The larger it is, the more information can be stored on it.
2. Rotation speed. Also, the more, the better, since the speed of copying information to and from the hard disk will be higher (for example, 7200rpm is better than 5400rpm). The fastest SSDs, however. They do not have such a parameter at all, since their principle of operation is different.
3. Interface. It also affects the speed of access to information. The fastest interface is SATA3.
Helpful hint: before buying, read the detailed description of the device on the manufacturer's website, read reviews.