External hard drives are usually used for temporary storage or transfer of digital information. In addition, these types of drives are very convenient to use as file storage for multimedia devices and routers.

Step 1
Select the type of external hard drive form factor. The main percentage of such hard drives is presented in 2.5 and 3.5-inch formats. The main disadvantage of larger external drives is that some of them need to be connected to AC power. Sometimes for the stable operation of a large external drive, two USB ports are required at once.
Step 2
If you will be using a hard drive with a mobile computer, opt for 2.5-inch hard drives.
Step 3
Think about how much information should fit on an external hard drive. Better to get a hard drive with a lot of memory right away. The cost of one external drive with a capacity of 500 GB is significantly cheaper than two 250 GB drives.
Step 4
Find out the processing speed of your external hard drive. Please note that it is important to determine the bandwidth of the device when connected to a computer. Use e-SATA and USB 3.0 interfaces to successfully work with modern laptops and desktop PCs.
Step 5
If you plan to connect an external drive to TVs, digital set-top boxes and other multimedia devices, purchase a USB 2.0 hard drive.
Step 6
Pay attention to the appearance of the hard drive. Certain models of hard drives are enclosed in a metal shock-resistant case. When actively working with important information, it is better to take care of its safety in advance.
Step 7
In the event that the hard drive is endowed with two cables with USB interfaces at once, be sure to clarify their purpose. Sometimes one of the ports serves as a power supply. In other cases, this feature can improve the transfer rate of data from the hard drive to the device. Winchesters of the first type are better not to be used in conjunction with laptops, because they take up two USB slots at once and quickly drain the battery.