Nowadays, it is almost impossible to imagine a computer user who would not need to use a USB flash drive. This compact and at the same time capacious storage of information is quite simple and convenient to use, but a novice user will not hurt to learn how to use a USB flash drive correctly.

First, it is worth clarifying that the full name of the flash drive is USB Flash Drive, and it is by this name that you should navigate in the catalogs of computer stores. When choosing a carrier, the main criterion is its volume. Think about how much information you usually need to copy and move, and how often.
After choosing a flash drive, you can start using it. A standard flash drive has a removable cap that covers the USB connector through which it connects to the computer. When your flash drive is not connected to the computer, be sure to put this cap on it - it will prevent the connector from getting dirty, dust, moisture and other foreign objects that can damage the device.
So, remove the protective cap before handling the media. Before you is a metal USB-connector through which you need to insert a USB flash drive into the connector near the computer. In the computer itself, the corresponding USB port can be located either at the back or in the front of the case. It is easy to recognize: it is a horizontal slot, which in shape and size will correspond to the connector on your flash drive. Connect the media to your computer.
If this machine has not previously used a flash drive, the computer will offer you to find and install a driver for it. If you are working in the Windows operating system, then you will be offered step-by-step installation instructions. This process does not require any special knowledge and skills.
After the computer detects and recognizes the USB Flash Drive, go to the "My Computer" folder located on your computer desktop. There, after the list of hard drives on your computer, the removable devices connected to it are displayed. Find the one with the abbreviation "USB" in its name - this is your flash drive. Now you can start using the flash drive: open it with a double click and work as with any removable media such as a floppy disk - copy, move, or delete files.
When you're done, look in the task pane at the bottom of the screen for the icon labeled “Safely Remove Hardware and Disks”. Left-clicking the mouse will open a list of devices that you will be asked to disconnect. Select your media from the list and click disable. After a while, the screen will display the following message: "Equipment can be removed." Only then remove the USB flash drive from the USB input.