Manufacturers of programs to protect your computer from virus applications often go to steps such as creating trial versions of antivirus that you can use for free for a certain period of time. The fact itself is an excellent opportunity for ordinary users not to buy "pigs in a poke", but to make a conscious step towards this or that application. Even a widespread and high-quality program does not always suit the taste for personal use, so testing the program before purchasing it is highly desirable.

Installed test version of the antivirus
Step 1
After using the test antivirus, it must be uninstalled so that the next product installed for the trial does not conflict with it - such an outcome of events is very likely. To remove, you need to follow a series of simple steps
Step 2
Click on the "Start" button, and in the context menu that opens, select the "Control Panel" item. Clicking on it will open a control panel window with access to the most important system settings.
Step 3
Select "Remove Programs" or "Add or Remove Programs" in this window, depending on the version of the installed operating system. Clicking on it will open a window of applications installed in the system.
Step 4
Wait a while while the system builds a list of available applications. Sometimes it takes a long time. After the list is built, right-click on the name of the anti-virus in it, and select the "Install / Change" item in the context menu that appears. This will completely remove the antivirus from your computer.
Step 5
In some cases, antiviruses cannot be uninstalled in this way - in case of damaged installation files or other problems. In such a situation, it is necessary to resort to additional software - universal uninstallation packages.
Step 6
It is more convenient to use such applications than specialized utilities for uninstalling a specific product, which each antivirus manufacturer has - if a user wants to try several variants of security programs, he will need to install one uninstaller, not several. Working with universal applications is very simple - just start it, select the installed antivirus, and click the button to uninstall it. This will be enough.