Android is one of the most popular operating systems for smartphones and tablets, which allows you to work with applications and files at the level of a simple user. This may seem unfair to some. And in order to get full control over the system, or better to say - permissiveness, the owner of the device will have to make a number of efforts.

Rip into root - what is root?
Root is the operating system superuser account that allows you to perform any operations in the android. Thanks to this, you can replace system files, get rid of ads, clean up system files, make OS backups, and more. This is about the pros of owning an administrator account.
Root or unroot, that is the question
Of the minuses, first of all, there is a possibility of failure of the warranty service of the device. For it was not provided by the manufacturer that the user will be able to create, whatever he wants. And, as a rule, this leads to consequences. The second disadvantage is the ability to turn your gadget into a glossy piece of stone. And so it is. If someone takes up access, he must understand what he is doing. And in case of problems with the software, be prepared for flashing the operating system. If that helps, of course. That is, raising oneself in rights to the root level also assumes great responsibility. As a result, you can get an unstable smartphone. It's not only the level of knowledge, but also the human factor - sooner or later the user will make a mistake. That is why google limited user access to the system.
And yet, how is it done?
If you nevertheless decided to take this crucial step, despite the probable problems with the gadget, and you just need to get root-rights, then you can do this in several ways. At the moment, there are many different ways to get root access, some of them are quite complex and require updating the device firmware, while it is not known how successfully it will be completed. Usually, the choice of the option depends on the model of the smartphone and the version of the android. There is also an easy way - using applications of which there are several: KingRoot, PiRoot, Universal Androot, Kingoapp, Framaroot, WeakSauce, Towelroot and others. By installing them, the user assumes all risks. You also need to carefully consider the distribution kit, you should only take it from trusted sources.
The principle of these applications is the same - you need to download and install the root application on your smartphone, launch it and start the process of increasing the access level. You should wait until the processing of user rights is completed and then make a backup, it is advisable to have time to complete this before something irreparable happens. Becoming a root user does not mean that everything will start to fall in your hands. Some know how to use the benefits carefully. However, it is best to follow the golden rule of “work, don’t touch”. After all, removing root is much more difficult than getting it.