The choice of a name for a server is one of the important points and may depend on various parameters, for example, the total number of servers, functions performed, location, volume, etc.

Step 1
When choosing names for servers, try to choose those that would in one way or another indicate its function. This condition is optional, but if necessary, it will be easier to determine in the future which server plays which role. The main thing is that the logic when choosing a name is clear to you. There is a large field for the manifestation of your own and imagination and the implementation of ideas.
Step 2
One of the options could be the names of various birds and animals. For example, raven, falcon, peregrine, bear, wolf, hawk, etc. Based on the properties characteristic of each of them, give names to the servers.
Step 3
Another option is to use the Greek alphabet. In this case, the servers will be named alpha, beta, gamma, delta, etc. An alternative to it can be the phonetic alphabet of NATO troops: alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, etc.
Step 4
Also popular are geographical names, names of stars and constellations, planets, signs of the zodiac. For example, the names of the planets and their satellites can be used to organize the hierarchy.
Step 5
The next option is the names of various characters. These can be heroes of TV series, comics, cartoons, books, etc. Examples include karlo, buratino, karabas, malvina, etc. When choosing one or another name, be guided by your own preferences: some are closer to the characters of Walt Disney cartoons, while others are closer to the heroes of Tolkien's works.
Step 6
Can also be used to refer to female and male names. As options, consider the names from the list of hurricanes, which can be found at
Step 7
Depending on your imagination and your own hobbies, you can come up with a sufficient number of theme variations for server names. In addition to the above, popular are: vegetables / fruits, Greek, Roman and other gods, names of writers, scientists and prominent figures, musical groups, chemical elements, etc.