Several methods can be used to connect multiple computers to a local network and the Internet. If you do not want to use network hubs, then configure the sharing settings for the desired network.

It is necessary
Network cable
Step 1
Connect both computers to each other. To do this, use a reverse crimped network cable. This is the type of patch cord that is recommended to combine the spirit of the PC.
Step 2
Now connect one of the computers to the local network. To do this, the device must have another network adapter. If this computer needs to be connected to a wireless network, then purchase a suitable Wi-Fi adapter.
Step 3
Turn on both computers. Start configuring the one that will be directly connected to the local network. Open the list of active connections and right-click on the external local network icon or on the Internet connection icon.
Step 4
Open the properties of this connection and open the "Access" tab. Check the box next to "Allow other network users to use this connection." In the "Network connection" column, specify the local network formed by your computers. Save your settings.
Step 5
Now open the properties of the local computer-to-computer connection. Navigate to TCP / IP (v4) Internet Protocol Settings. Check the box next to Use the following IP address. Enter its value by filling in the required field. Be sure to remember the assigned IP address.
Step 6
Navigate to configuring the other computer's network adapter. Open a similar item for TCP / IP (v4) settings. In the "IP Address" field, enter the address of the first computer's network adapter, replacing the last segment. In the Default Gateway field, enter the IP address of the first PC unchanged.
Step 7
Save the settings by clicking the Ok button. Wait while the LAN settings are updated. Make sure the second computer has access to the required resources on the external network.